Sunday, 7 February 2016

When the world becomes an LED screen...

Bleeeeeeeng…and there comes a notification. We can tell this world that our generation is the smart generation. The reason for this is the exponential advancement in the technological field. This advancement has made our life so simple. One of the major technological advancement, the smart-phones, OMG, it is impossible for the current generation to function efficiently without smart-phones. Everything, starting from contacting people, checking out the time to purchasing things, navigation, etc., can now be done using a 4-inch flat device in our hands. If we wanna send someone a picture, a video or a file, just a few touches and our mission will be accomplished. Such things remind us of the term “Smaller World”. It has replaced the usage of our computers in many ways.Even monetary transaction and driving our automobiles is possible using our smart-phones. 
         Too positive, right? Alright, let’s see about it’s effects which when prevented will have some benefits in our life. Let’s talk about the social networking issues. The main idea of starting such social networks is that “People are no longer interested in their own lives. People are craving to peek into other people’s life”. This worked out in a tremendous fashion. This decade has changed the definition of few factors. For example, love has become a relationship status rather than being an heavenly feel , feelings have become emoticons. Memories have become posts and check-in’s. Hanging out with friends has become tagging.It can be inferred that everyone has started to live a social life(Virtual life would be more accurate). They want themselves to be popular and to be noted among their circle. We are ready to share our happiness and problems with the one who we can’t even reach for an emergency situation than expressing it to our parents, who live with us and live for us. We can call ourselves “The Judges” because we judge people by comparing them. The pathetic situation is that, the father who scolds his son/daughter in order to make things right and wants them to lead a happy life becomes a villain in front of a friend who tries to pacify us after the scoldings. To be practical, we are proving that the affection level will be high if the person is far away from us. Doing so, we just forget about the people who are closer to us. Boring? Let’s wind this up. So, everything is in our hands but a little bit out of control. The best solution for this is instead of putting our valuable efforts in making a change, let us be the change what we want to happen and let the chaos do the rest.

By Rohit N

Wednesday, 3 February 2016


          Each and everyone of us come into this world with our own set of unique traits. But most of us spend a large part of our lives suppressing our uniqueness and following stereotypes set by the society. By the time we realize our mistakes, we've already lived our lives as someone we are not,just to fit into society. We depend on stereotypes set by the world to tell us how we should look,talk or walk and the list is never ending. The uncanny part is that this behavior of faking someone else's traits has its own set of terms - "fashion","style","to look cool". 
          We are all beautiful in our own way and the sooner we realize this, the sooner we'll start living our own lives and not someone else's. A lily does not look like a rose, but, does it mean the former is not beautiful? No matter how much it tries to be a rose, its still a lily, and its still very beautiful. As the saying goes, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.
           We spend our time and energy trying to impress others by our masquerades. Let us ask ourselves these questions: Are we suppressing our uniqueness? Are we following someone else's set standards of beauty? Are we trying to not be ourselves just to fit in? If yes... are we really happy doing so? or are we faking happiness too? Remember...Fake something you are not and a lot of people will like you, be yourself and the right people will love you. By putting on such masks, we will only end up pushing away people who love us for who we really are.
            Tank and Boom are back this week to make us understand this and and that we always have a person who will help break free. They take a stroll through the streets of the city and come across something intriguing... 


          How many of us are like Tank and how many are like Boom?Think about it! 

Let's break free!

Art by Jessy S
Story by Daniel Vianney Arvind